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Gold Digital Journey MappingTM

Nearly every company is wondering how they can compete with amazon for the online shopping wallet of their own customers. But few capture the digital journey that their own customers take on their path to purchase – something that over 80% of today’s shoppers travel.

Gold’s Digital Journey MappingTM allows you to capture the full digital customer experience – online, mobile, social and even voice-activated through Amazon Echo or Google Home.

Quickly, affordably and globally.

How is Gold Digital Journey MappingTM done?

      1. We leverage our global community of shoppers (that includes your customers and non-customers) and digitally capture their online/mobile shopping journeys.
      2. Online/mobile shopping journeys are video-captured and post-shopping interviews are recorded to both observe the actual shopping process taken, but also to understand why critical decisions are made at each critical step.
    1. Critical customer metrics such as time on website, search terms and website filters used, number and type of products compared, importance of user reviews and product recommendations, delivery features and concerns as well as voice-activated search/ordering (Echo/Alexa, Google Home, Siri) are captured and assessed for their impact on both channel, category and product decisions.
    2. Overall User Experience (UX) pain points as well as all “in-category” and “out-of-category” shopping behavior are captured and analyzed.
    3. Online interviews and focus groups are integral in determining customers’ critical decisions along their path-to-purchase as well as the digital friction points, moments-of-truth and paths taken to the shopping cart.
    4. Searchable transcripts, facial recognition analysis and quantitative research are also leveraged to identify and quantify the most critical improvement areas of the digital journey.
    5. We also supplement the digital customer journeys with our “Revenue Impact Assessment” models that aid you in creating a fact-based business case for driving revenues from online improvements.

Popular uses of Gold Digital Journey MappingTM include:

  • User Experience Testing
  • Shopper Insights research
  • Concept testing
  • Focus Groups and In-Depth Interviews
  • Path-to-Purchase mapping

We deliver results: Fast. Affordable. Global. Scalable.

Awarded by Feedspot

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GoldResearch, Inc.

8000 I.H. 10 West | Suite 600
San Antonio, Texas, 78230

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